
Pack Number - 263943 OC Personality - Silent, kind, stoic, careful, agressive Read Terms of Service? - Yep! :) Anything Else? - Thanks for the opportunity

Pack Number: #287079 Character Personality: Cautious, awkward, stubborn Read TOS: Yepper <3 Anything Else?: I really appreciate the opportunity! Your art is just gorgeous <333 Edited at April 21, 2022 09:42 AM by Reverie

Pack Number: #269436 OC personality: Happy-go-lucky, innocent, kind, energetic Read terms of service?: Yep! Anything else?: Thanks for the chance!

Pack Number 277512 OC ref Chanel OC personality I dont really have one for her yet Read terms of service? Yes Anything else? She has more of a high end, rich, and classy vibe/feel

Pack number 272861 - Ref - Oc personality Very calm and collected. - Read terms of service? I have :) - Anything else? Royal guard. Also has a curly mullet I just suck at drawing curls lmao.

Pck num:272952 OC ref: (symetrical design. ignore yellow eye) read em terms?: yeps OC personality: god complex, wise, and quiet anythin' else?: go crazy if ya must Edited at July 3, 2022 08:19 PM by Malina

Pack Number: 254665 OC personality: He's your typical feindish hellhound. He can be menacing, witty with a malevolent streak. Read terms of service? Yes Anything else?: Has a slim, hellhoundish build. Longer fur around neck, crest & chest (kind of like a borzoi) If you need me to explain any aspects of his desinf, I'd be happy to. Edited at July 14, 2022 09:07 AM by Ephraim Wolf Pack

Pack number: 258906 Oc personality: He is a guardian spirit of the forest. If you seek to threaten his forest or any of its inhabitants, hell will seem like eden compared to where he will drag you. Read terms of service: yes Anything else: not that I can think of

Pack Number: 265679 OC Personallity: Brave, Fierce, High Tempered Read Terms of Service: Yes Anything else: He is a elemental wolf, he is completely on fire
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Wanting to do some lil sketches, so let's give this thread some more attention, give me something interesting to draw! :0