
Lmao Same- This is gonna be an awesome group, I can already tell - Also, I am very intrigued by Cal, care to tell me more? :3

Yeah all these characters so far are amazing!!! Ahh wait really?? I would love to!! :D What would you want to know about my boy?~

Basically anything pertaining to that research you mentioned doing XD I, too, am a big researcher for characters

Yay I am glad I am not the only one...! TwT So I did a lot of research mostly on schizophrenia and a lot of Vietnamese customs in how they raise children, certain behaviors and customs, their overall views on the world, etc etc. There was also this thing I was looking up about names is that in Vietnam, if I remember correctly, their name goes last name, middle name, and then first name when they are being introduced and I just found that fascinating so your welcome for useless information-

XD It's not useless information- What's the reasoning behind the nicknames and name? :p - Also, I just got done making (at least one of) the most detailed character sheet template.

His name I pictured would have been picked by his mom because she wanted to give him a very 'masculine' name. She got to pick his name only because Cal already had his dad's last and middle name- As for the nicknames, Tí just means tiny and it was his dad's nicknames for him before all the shit hit the fan. Cal is just a nickname he has always gone by since third grade. Collie is a bit special and you'll learn about that later on~ ;3

Ooooo noice nickname/name reasonings

Hehe thanks! Oh! I forgot to ask what the super detailed character sheet was for! Soooo? What is the super fancy thingy for?

I have no idea yet- Ima put it into meh blog though.

Mhmmm. Sounds good! Ima go read that right now- :P