
Anazeckria said: How do I get all the worlds marshmellows? :3
Waterfall: well legal or illagle Legal Money and connections Illegal Robery

How do I get rid of someone who's hurt me badly?-

Violent Nightshade said: How do I get rid of someone who's hurt me badly?-
Waterfall: well Make sure you take them to the deepest woods than bring a knife stab them disisable limbs if you have acid use that or lake middle of it and bam no evidence

Do you like wolves? (i clearly have no idea and need informaion)

Plant Gen said: Do you like wolves? (i clearly have no idea and need informaion)
Waterfall: Yes they stand for what I do, and I'm part one in more ways than one

What's your favorite food?

Violent Nightshade said: What's your favorite food?
Waterfall: I love half raw meat don't have favorite but many I hate I do love Gnocchi

How does your name represent you?

Blood Moon Eclipse said: How does your name represent you?
Waterfall: in humans earthly word of Waterfall it represents me as I am strong and fast moving can be dangerous just like the waterfalls plugging off the cliffs

What is Waterfall's opinion on death? And when he senses someone end is near does he do or feel anything about it or he dismisses it as a gut feeling that does not need to be accurate? --- Does he ever plan or maybe already has another family(not biological one obviously, but someone he would consider family regardless of blood)? --- His favourite opponent/nemesis and why them?