~Rarities & Pricing~
Common: 125 mush
Uncommon: 225 mush
Rare: 325 mush
Legendary: 500 mush
~What Determines Rarity?~
The Patterns and colors determine rarity! If there is a bunny with no pattern and a natural color it is common. But if that bunny has a pattern and two natural colors it is uncommon. If there is three colors and a pattern that means the bunny is rare! Legendary bunnies will be few and far between as they will be untrantural colors and have extra features! Keep checking back if you want to snag one!
~Why are they in pens?~
The bunnies are in pens as a pseudo watermark. Once a bunny is adopted the pen will be removed and you will get the bunny with only my pack number on it!
~Can I commission my own bunny?~
Yes, but... I only plan to do commissions for people seeking different versions of their OC. If you want to commissions a certain bunny to be done (common, uncommon, etc.) I will respectfully decline, as i want to keep the rarities and amount of them under wraps so people dont feel scammed about adopting a bunny that was up and then seeing someone commison one exactly like it.