
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
@Hurry Thank you! <3 Fantasy is what I'm going for because dang, that is a big skull ahah. Annnnnnd up-coming spoop YCH! [c[157083 [Are you surprised?] As you can see, my first sketches are very sketchy. I also use very few construction lines. It's important for new artists learning anatomy and stuff to use 'em, but I just can't be bothered ahah. Edited at December 7, 2019 08:19 AM by Eternity

That sketch looks promising ^^

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Thank you! [c]157083 Lmao I'll shade this.. Ehhhhhhhhh never Edited at December 7, 2019 08:19 AM by Eternity

Our Lord and saviour has blessed us with art she's brought back from the depths of hell *^*

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
@Hal Yep, stole it right from under Fool's Gold whilst he wasn't paying attention to his kingdom--
Pffff thank you. I wanna keep it. I'm probably gonna keep it.

That wouldn't surprise me- Guess you'd better just hope he doesn't find out-
I wouldn't blame you, your background is gorgeous <3

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Pffff- Fool can fight me for it back lmao.
Thank you. <3 Trees on their own are easy.. But the whole distance thingy with forests is difficult ahah.

Brexit said: Thank you!
Lmao I'll shade this.. Ehhhhhhhhh never
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 this is more then promising *o*

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
[c]157083 This was some gift art for Fool's Gold. *^* Make sure to turn up your brightness, this one is a little hard to see.~ Edited at December 7, 2019 08:20 AM by Eternity

I can't believe I'm seeing such a gorgeous piece for the first time ;)