
Pack Number: 143811 OC ref:  (Sorry these are awful, working on a real ref sheet) OC personality: Keres is a vengfully evil wolf, he does care about some wolves ( eg. his blind sister who passed away) and his first mate, who was infertil. Keres is possessed by a manic ghost giving his eyes a red ring around his pupil that makes his turquoise irises seem darker. He uses his charm to manipulate and if that doesn't work he uses his aggression to subdue. Anything else?: Keres killed his own mother and kept her head on a spike and any other wolves he killed ended up the same as a warning to his power. Also he's afraid of beetles.

Hi ET :3 - pack number: 272483 OC ref: (I hope this isnt too hard >.<) OC personality: Arrogant,smart arse, an adventurer and just an italian with an attitude 0.0 Anything else?: Well I worship yee the art god and i hope I get art outta him from you :D he will pose a difficulty but you like challenges? I hope xD

Pack Number: 268305 OC ref: OC personality: Somewhat feared of her past, but brave. Sassy, weird, short like REALLY short for a wolf. Nice somewhat... Maybe not. Anything else?: Thank you so much<3 Your art is amazing and so are you! :o

Pack Number: 73615 OC ref:  OC personality: cold, sarcastic, tempered, an asshole, selfish, and out for himself. he's feisty lmao Anything else?: thank you for this oppurtunity! <3

Pack Number: 212358 OC personality: Basically, he's a forest god that is mute. He's kind, protective, and spends his time wandering around. Anything else?: I adore your art and thank you for the opportunity <3

Pack Number:267781 Riddick's personality… merciless, pragmatic, and incredibly violent. Riddick has spent most of his life under the label “psychopath.” While it's true that he exhibits little in the way of emotions, and has no remorse for the people he's killed, but he does not kill for fun and pleasure. Anything else? he is meant to have a muzzle :3 im so sorry if that is to long i also think it is really nice of you to do this for other players even if you don't do it often <3

pshhh, of course I need to request my royal little baby << Pack Number: 269169 OC personality: royal little bish boy (I can't describe it any other way-) Anything else?: I just want him to have a crown he a fancy boi<<

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Right now I wanna draw dogs and dragons, so if you have those-! Post away! If possible, post what breed of dog it is, but if you give me a list of like,, 20 different breeds I'll be mad.

OC personality: All in all, a blunt gentleman who becomes softhearted around pups lmao Anything else?: Have fun with him if you decide to draw the lad ^^

Pack Number: 203014 OC ref: Click OC personality: Short-tempered and greedy. Hates when people get too close to them and is rather aggressive. Will fight anything even though he's small. Read terms of service? ye Anything else?: No?