
((Reminder to add character tags to your post so that people know who your character is and who you're addressing.)) Edsel "Eddie" Virginia // 15 // Male // Vampiric Siren // M: Star, Alex, Silver If dread was an actual physical thing, Eddie was certain he'd be feeling it right then. Right that moment and that second. He had walked into the gym hoping to just relax a bit and run the track. But seeing... those three? Two of them weren't bad at all. But one of them made his stomach churn with unease. The last encounter had not been ... great. He skirted to the edges, hoping largely to go unnoticed by the majority of everyone while he stretched out. Always good to stretch before a walk, run or any strenuous exercise or activity. Not that it really mattered, he still wasn't sure. But at least he got an A for Effort, right?
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Silver Mar || 14 || F || Fire || Memory Magic || M: Alex, Star Silver was shocked at how observant this new girl was. She thought herself observant but she had nothing on this young lady. Tuning to address her she said, "I don't think that my magic would be very useful for dealing with clones, given that it is location-based not person-based. My magic is pretty useful for detective-type work. Land memories show what actually happened not what a person thought happened. By the way, what is your name, I don't think I ever caught it." Silver wished that she had a better memory for names, but she often was too caught up in her own world, and she didn't think that she had interacted with this girl before. They definitely had not talked. Edited at April 22, 2024 05:01 PM by Phoenix Rose

Star || 15 || F || Storm || winged/elemental || M: Alex, Silver "what i meant is making clones of your own from a memory, but yeah, it is." she folded her hands gently. she often got thought of as weird because of it but it was one of her talents. she noticed the boy but didn't think anything of it, perferring to focus on her own conversation. "most think i'm weird or creepy because of me knowing so much about someone but it's just a talent of mine."

Silver Mar || 14 || F || Fire || Memory Magic || M: Alex, Star "It's a talent I envy. I thought myself observant, but my own people-watching skills are nothing in comparison to yours. I haven't ever tried to make a clone, not really sure how I would go about it. All I know is that it takes a lot of energy to show anything I see to someone else. Might be worth a shot though." Silver gave a shy smile. "I am always interested in figuring out other things my magic can do."

Alexandra Wolff || 15 || Fire || Female || Shifter || M: Silver, Star - How does Star know so much about shifters? Not like there is a book. But deep down, I know she is mostly right. My forth form is powerful, but I unlock it a round 16, soon then. Watching Silver and Star converse, I lean back and wait. Liam has not talked in a while. I should go see if something is wrong.

Star || 15 || F || Storm || winged/elemental || M: Alex, Silver "i'm just naturally shy so i watch a lot of people. i can try and help, but elemental isn't much help with Memory Magic, although the illusion part of Shadow might be able to help." she thought about it for a moment and answered Alex's unanswered question. "and in case you were wondering Alex, i do a lot of studing so i know quite a bit about most powers and species." she brought a random notebook out of her backpack and flipped through it.

Kalen Hemera // 17 // M // Fire Lead // Tigon Shifter // M: Star, Alex, Silver The fact of the matter was the more important point of the fact that Kalen was rather adept at eavesdropping. It was how he learned what had happened, when it had happened and whatnot. He liked to keep up to date on all the information and going ons in the school. His piercing green eyes settled on the three younger students as he let the weights drop down to the ground. Oh this was too easy. "Sounds like somebody is a try-hard pick me, eh?" Kalen's words were smooth and barbed, focused on the three. "Oh I know all about this or that," he rolled his eyes. "Here's the truth, you don't. If you really did, you wouldn't be here at the school learning about things." He scoffed lightly. "You're what... twelve? If that? Take a hint and try not to be a Mary Sue, mkay? Nobody actually knows everything about everyone, kid. You're a tryhard know-it-all and honestly, it's not a good look for anyone."
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Star || 15 || F || Storm || winged/elemental || M: Alex, Silver, Kalen she ignored him, continuing the conversation with Alex and Silver. after a few minutes her hands clenched in annoyance and she spun around. "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP? NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION! and i'm actually 15, dimwited shifter." she turned back around, her wings forming a wall that blocked him out as a spire of rock launched him backwards into a wall.

Kalen Hemera // 17 // M // Fire Lead // Shifter // M: Star, Alex, Silver Kalen raised a single eyebrow as she shouted back at him, attempting to try and maybe attack? The little pebble that rose from the floor was less than terrifying. As if the entire school hadn't been reinforced to make sure fights like that didn't happen. "So not only are you dramatic and whiny, you're also brainless. Nice touch." Kalen kicked the pebble aside. "You can't fight me with abilities, kid. Entire boarding school has charms, reinforcements and whatnot to prevent that," he leaned up against the weight rack, one arm over his head as his eyes flashed briefly, a sharper and far more cruel smile drew over his face. "But I wouldn't fight me anyways. Not only would you get your hide handed to you on a silver platter but then you'll have to report to Layne." Not that Layne was a threat but he could hype him up. "He's pretty chill normally. But he doesn't take well to your kind. Y'know, the stuck-up know-it-all pick-me kind of vibe that can't handle any sort of real life talk and heaven forbid, you admit your ego is high enough it'd be considered cliff diving to jump off of," Kalen snorted and shook his head. "Besides, the real threat? Headmaster Zeller. I wouldn't... if you don't have to see him, don't. Malcolm... he's ... something is off with him."
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Star || 15 || F || Storm || winged/elemental || M: Alex, Silver, Kalen she picked the pebble up and threw it at him, hitting him in the face with it, obviously still annoyed. "i never asked for your opinion Kalen." she sighed and grabbed one of the weights geez i hate nosy people "you know, i really wanna throw this at you but i won't because i don't want to break you" she threw it at a dummy and it crushed the dummy. little better but not much, oh well.