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Name: Jackson Smith Age: 24 descrption: A tall fair skin guy. His hair is dark brown, almost black. His eyes are grey. Jackson stands at about 6 foot, more or less depending on the elevation. If he stands on the higher side of the room, he seems taller. Jackson is a skinny boy. He never fully grow out of his teenager, all elbows and knees. Also, his hair is very messy. Relations: Sister, deceased, Alexis Edited at October 19, 2024 07:33 PM by Bobcat

Name: Aspen Grey Age: 22 Description: Aspen is short and slender, standing around 5'3" in height. Her hair is light blonde and she has green eyes with blueish flecks in them. Her skin is tan and she has freckles dotting over her nose and cheeks. She has a fit body- not too skinny and not at all chubby. She keeps her hair in a loose braid since it is very long. Relations: Brother, status unknown, Adrian

Jackson was surrounded. Not by zombies. But by food. He found an abandoned store. He could finally have something there to eat, then ration crackers. He walks over to the cookies. They're stale. Jackson is very disappointed and grumpy. He was hoping for cookies. He runs and check the refrigerators. The doors had been opened in a long time, so that a cold has been kept inside. The milk is warm, but not spoiled. Like he's touching that. Instead, he grabbed some frozen pizza. Says fully cooked. So it must be edible, right?

Running. That's what Aspen was doing. A horde of zombies were hot on her tail, and she was doing all that she could to get away. She had a gun, but she didn't want to use it if she didn't have to since it would only attract more. So, she kept looking for anywhere with an opening she could slip into- and there it was. A window that was cracked open. She ran for it and managed to open it and climb through without being seen. She shut the window quietly and sighed, wondering where she was. As she looked around, she discovered it was a store with plenty of food. She couldn't hear anything, but she kept a knife out just incase there were any zombies.

Jackson heard a crash, a slam, and a shing. The same sounds a knife makes when it leaves the scabbod. He pull his out. He grabbed it from the small section almost all stores seem to have. More of a dagger than a knife. He creeps around the corner, low to the ground. Jackson is able to peer over and see it is a girl, and by the looks of it, still alive.

The fact that she didn't hear any moaning, groaning, or scuffling told her that there weren't any zombies in there. She didn't let her guard down, of course, and kept her grip firm on her knife. It was a large hunting knife and it looked rather funny in her small hand, but it served her well. Aspen was surprised to see so much food unbothered and she was unaware of the man watching her. She listened for a moment before taking her backpack off and unzipping it. She had found a can opener, so some of the canned goods would be useful to her. Aspen started putting a few into her bag, not worrying about trying to open any right then to eat despite being hungry.

Jackson stairs at the new comer. Life with another person would be easier, I would not have to climb something just for a nap. And company would be nice. But what language does she speak? English? And what if she is infected. Jackson stands up, making sure to never take his eyes off her.

Aspen hummed softly to herself, zipping her bag when she'd gathered what she wanted. She put the bag on her back, grumbling slightly beneath the weight. But at least she had food. She thought she heard shuffling, so she turned around, her knife ready. Only, she didn't see a zombie, she saw... a guy? A living guy? She tensed up slightly, her gaze never leaving him. "...H-Hi?" She said, her voice soft and a little raspy as though she hadn't spoken in a while. Maybe he wasn't infected and they could stay together?

(yeep) Jackson froze. Was she talking to him? "Hello..." Says. He takes a sensitive step from around the store out there. "Who are you?" He asks. This girl looks like she could run him through with her knife. Jackson admired that, but he did not let it show. Edited at November 7, 2024 05:58 AM by Bobcat