
I do not know where Alpine went, but oh well. Winter yawn and scrabbled for purce on the frozen ground. She fluffed her ruff and stood up. Winter trots softly over to a hunk of meat she hid behind a tree. The cold food is hard to chew, but filling. Winter laughs at the weather. "I can not be like this. Cold?" I says to her self as a gust blows though the camp. Her father name her after this. He should have been named winter. He is the one that is cold and caluculating. She finishes her meal and slips out of camp as the pack starts to stir. 'Bye sleepy-heads' Winter thinks as the camp disappers behind her. Winter speeds up slightly as she sees the border in the distance. The sun shines off the snow and the large plain her pack lives of sparkles in the dawn. She wags her tail and breathes in the chilly air. As Winter canters along, the snow softly starts to fall. Her silver coat slowly gets a dusting on her shoulders. Edited at May 21, 2024 01:08 PM by Bobcat

Alpine Alpine waited by the border curled up deep in the snow, nearly buried in the snow. It was quite warm under the snow. He let ou a huff blow light snow off his face. Hearing the snow batter like paws he jerked up eyeing the borders misty wall. Alpine woofed, ears alert as he focused on whoever was coming up. "Winter?" He woofed again letting his tail wag uneasily.

Softly, Winter's paws crunch on the snow. Or, an atempted softness. The top of the snow froze slightly over night, leaving a brittle crust behind. "Winter?" She hears from a masuline voice. "Yes?" Winter asks the voice. Stepping to the border, she peers into the mist. A brown lump hides in the snow. "Alpine?" Winter asks him. Padding to the log, her frount paw is held in the air, ready to pounce if there is a thret.

Alpine Alpine popped up from under the snow. He lunged forward at winter, knocking her down and pinning her under his paws. He grinned, tail wagging furiously. His eyes stared into hers a look of pure satisfaction. "Miss me?" He woofed not easing his grip. (didn't have time for a full response) Edited at November 5, 2024 09:06 AM by Lost Rune

"Possibly." Winter says. The young female is thrown to the ground and unceremoniously sat on. "Agg! Alpine! Get your fluffy tail off me. No fair you get to be big and muscly." Winter wheels from underneath the large male. She growls in a playful manner. Edited at November 5, 2024 11:07 AM by Bobcat

Alpine Alpine releases from Winter retracting and stepping back from her. A victorious grin on his snout. "Thanks for the compliment." He refers to her calling him muscley. With a chuckle he sat down in the snow turning his head and grooming his shoulder fur to lay flat. His mind was infected while he was around her, all he could think about was her. He gave a few spare licks before meeting her gaze gingerly. His eye contact was strict but fond towards her. Edited at November 5, 2024 02:28 PM by Lost Rune

Winter flicks her ear. She enders up smiling back after a second. "Stop it, your looking at me light I am the choice deer and you want to take me down to bring to your pack." Winter says. She squirms under his gaze, but maintains it.

Alpine Alpine settles comfortably on his wag, leaning back with a playful smirk. "Spite me, and I might just do that," he warns, though his tone is laced with humor. His eyes flicker mischievously, giving away the teasing glint in his gaze as he shifts his focus back to the hidden sight.Alpine lets out a cheerful woof, his tail giving an excited wag. "So, wanna head to our place?" he asks, a broad grin spreading across his face. His eyes gleam with tease

Edited at November 6, 2024 08:06 AM by Lost Rune

"Yes" Winter agrees. Our place. It has a nice ring to it. "Let's go." Winter stands up and intentionally run her shoulder into Alpine's as she moves past him.