
Game Moderator Lightbringer
Karma said:
ForestThis is the first Terrain you will be able to explore in.
<div align="left">Enemies:
<div align="left"> Red Fox ~ Level 1 <div align="left">Badger ~ Level 1<div align="left">Boar ~ Level 3<div align="left">Wolverine<div align="left">Bobcat<div align="left">Mountain Lion<div align="left">Brown Bear ~ Level 13<div align="left"> <div align="left">Prey:<div align="left">Squirrel ~ Level 1<div align="left">Rabbit ~ Level 1<div align="left">Pheasant<div align="left">Deer ~ Level 5<div align="left">Elk ~ Level 7<div align="left">Moose<div align="left">Chipmunk ~ Level 11<div align="left">
Familiars:<div align="left">Red Deer Stag<div align="left">Bald Eagle<div align="left">Red-Tailed Hawk<div align="left">Stallion<div align="left"> <div align="left">Mythical Creature:<div align="left">Bigfoot ~ Level 5<div align="left">Eve ~ Level x
For Forest Wolverine is Level 3, as is Pheasant I believe. Bobcat is Level 7. I want to say Moose and Mountain Lion are both level 9.
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Once again, I'll get rid of stuff once it's added Sorry for the lack of levels :') [Done] Edited at February 3, 2020 06:35 PM by Akukissune <3
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I think I should leave that list with some enemies/prey and the level they appear first time in explore. Also I haven't exlpored Desert and Mountains so much (<level 6), sorry for the lack of info in those terrains. And in Tundra there are no more enemies/prey than the mentioned in this list (at least until level 30) FOREST Prey: Squirrel (Level 1) Rabbit (Level 1) Pheasant (Level 3) Deer (Level 5) Elk (Level 7) Chipmunk (Level 9) Turkey (Level 11) Moose (Level 13) Woodchuck (Level 15) Enemies: Red Fox (Level 1) Badger (Level 1) Boar (Level 3) Wolverine (Level 5) Bobcat (Level 7) Mountain Lion (Level 9) Coyote (Level 11) Brown Bear (Level 13) Edited at February 2, 2020 03:54 PM by Dire

SWAMP Prey: Rice Rat (Level 1) Bullfrog (Level 1) Marsh Rabbit (Level 3) Anhinga (Level 5) Otter (Level 7) Wood Duck (Level 9) Rhea (Level 11) Sandyhill Crane (Level 13) Nutria (Level 15) Enemies: Alligator (Level 1) Rattlesnake (Level 1) Snapping Turtle (Level 3) Ocelot (Level 5) Copperhead (Level 7) Black Bear (Level 9) Jaguar (Level 11) Water Moccasin (Level 13) Black Panther (Level 17) Edited at February 2, 2020 03:57 PM by Dire

JUNGLE Prey: Tapir (Level 1) Capibara (Level 1) Antelope (Level 3) Water Buffalo (Level 5) Spider Monkey (Level 7) Sloth (Level 9) Okapi (Level 11) Elephant (Level 13) Flying Fox (Level 15) Bongo (Level 17) Bandicoot (Level 19) Poison Dart Frog (Level 21) Peccary (Level 23) Coatimundi (Level 25) Enemies: Babboon (Level 1) Leopard (Level 1) Mamba (Level 3) Crocodile (Level 5) Jaguar*(Level 7) ~ This one is different at which appears in swamp Sun Bear (Level 9) Anaconda (Level 11) Margay (Level 13) Death Adder (Level 15) Green Phyton (Level 17) Komodo Dragon (Level 19) Vicuna Wolf (Level 21) Bengal Tiger (Level 23) Edited at February 2, 2020 03:40 PM by Dire

DESERT Prey: Thorny Devil (Level 1) Proghorn (Level 1) Kangaroo Rat (Level 3) ???? (???????) Enemies: Cougar (Level 1) Coyote*(Level 1)~ a bit different than the ones in Forest Grey Fox (Level 3) ????? (??????) Edited at February 2, 2020 04:00 PM by Dire

MOUNTAINS Prey: Ibex (Level 1) Pika (Level 1) Mule Deer (Level 3) Snowshoe Hare (Level 5) ???? (???????) Enemies: Red Fox (Level 1) Grizzly Bear (Level 1) Western Rattlesnake (Level 3) Bobcat (Level 5) ????? (??????)

TUNDRA Prey: Artic Hare (Level 1) Caribou (Level 1) Rock Ptarmigan (Level 3) Musk Ox (Level 3) Ground Squirrel (Level 5) Harlequin Duck (Level 5) Moose (Level 9) Puffin (Level 9) Lemming (Level 11) Enemies: Artic Fox (Level 1) Polar Bear (Level 1) Ermine (Level 3) Grizzly Bear (Level 3) Wolverine (Level 5) Red Fox (Level 5)

Updated everything! Thanks for the help :3
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