
Valor's Endeavor said: https://imgflip.com/i/2duf0s
Lmaoo true

Opposing Elements said:
Valor's Endeavor said: https://imgflip.com/i/2duf0s
Lmaoo true
Hehe True

Polly Wants Cracker said:
Villalobos Pitbulls said: https://image.ibb.co/g2qsHH/282j3t.jpg
Plot twist: WolfPlay wins

Panic! at My Romance said:
Wolf~Song said:
Citrus said: https://s8.postimg.cc/q9ejdlqn9/oof.jpg
Me ^^^ Im legit at a cookout ignoring everyone and playing wolfplay lmaooo

Shadegade said:
Look closely... Very closely my friends... I have a very important question for ye all... Is the brown splosh on the nose above or below the other colors? Is the somatic on top of the blue, or underneath?!?! Why you do this to us Eve?!?!?!This is even more confusing then the chicken-and-egg question and the zebra-and-stripes... XD
A zebra is black with white stripes. Their skin is black

A zebra is black with white stripes.Their skin is black
Life is a lie

Embers. said: A zebra is black with white stripes.Their skin is black
Life is a lie
Everything I've ever known is going down the trash can... But the real question is, when the grass grows long on the trees, are the trees just embarressed of their trunks.

Embers. said: A zebra is black with white stripes.Their skin is black
Life is a lie
? It's true

I don't even buy apples but http://oi67.tinypic.com/1zy7s6x.jpg

The Alchemist said: I don't even buy apples buthttp://oi67.tinypic.com/1zy7s6x.jpg
this is everything